Cases That Test Your Skills

Confused with ataxia and urinary and fecal incontinence

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Ms. S, age 46, has difficulty walking and a wide-based gait, and is incontinent and paranoid. She reports no medical or psychiatric history. How would you evaluate her?



CASE Paranoia, ataxia
Ms. S, age 46, is admitted to the hospital for cellulitis and gait disturbance. She has been living in her car for the past week and presents to the local fire department to get help for housing. She is referred to this hospital where she was found to have cellulitis in her buttock secondary to urinary and fecal incontinence. She also was noted to have difficulty ambulating and a wide-based gait. Two weeks earlier, a hotel clerk found her on the floor, unable to get up. Ms. S was seen in a local emergency room (ER) and discharged after her glucose level was found to be normal.

At admission, she has an intact sensorium and is described as disheveled, illogical, rambling, and paranoid. Her mental status exam shows she is alert and oriented to person and time, with guarded and childlike behavior. Her affect/mood is irritable and oddly related, and her thought processes are concrete and simple with some thought-blocking and paranoid content. She denies thoughts of harming herself or others, and her insight is limited and judgment is poor.

Neurology is consulted to evaluate her gait disturbance. Ms. S has decreased muscle bulk in both calves, with brisk knee reflexes bilaterally. CT imaging shows nonspecific scattered periventricular white matter hypodensities consistent with microvascular ischemic diagnosis, but a demyelinating process could not be ruled out. Ms. S reports that the gait disturbance began in childhood, and that her grandmother had the same gait disturbance. Neurology recommends an electromyogram and MRI.

During her stay in the hospital, she is unwilling to cooperate with exams, declines to answer questions regarding her past, and appears suspicious of her acute care treatment team. The psychiatric team is consulted for evaluation of her paranoia and “seeming disorganization,” and she is transferred to the psychiatric unit. She appears to be repulsed by the fact that she was in a psychiatric ward stating, “I don’t belong here” and “I’m scared of the other people here.” She denies any psychiatric history, previous hospitalizations, or substance use, and no documentation of inpatient or outpatient care was found in the county’s computerized record system. Although she is willing to take a small dose of tranquilizer (eg, lorazepam) she refuses to take antipsychotic medications saying, “My mother told me not to take [antipsychotics]. I’m not psychotic.”

What is your diagnosis at this point?

a) normal pressure hydrocephalus
b) Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
c) schizophrenia spectrum disorder
d) multiple sclerosis (MS)
e) vascular dementia
f) cord lesion compression


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