Conference Coverage



Luncheon Symposium

Depression, Its impact, and the Importance of Recognition and Treatment

Faculty: Jon Winston Draud, MS, MD, University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the most commonly diagnosed condition, second to cardiovascular disease. Dr. Draud recommended using a wellness screen such as the WHO-5 (World Health Organization, 5 item well-being index) in addition to a depression screening tool such as the PHQ-9. He emphasized that the goal of treatment should not be merely remission—but remission without residual symptoms. Cognitive impairment is the most common residual symptom. Patients with residual symptoms relapse earlier (5.5 times faster) and at a greater rate than patients without residual symptoms (76% vs 25%, respectively). Continue treatment and monitoring even after symptoms appear to subside. Recommended treatment is multi-modal and should include cognitive therapy and exercise.


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