From the Editor

Today’s psychiatric neuroscience advances were science fiction during my residency

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During my residency training years, I had many rosy and bold dreams about the future of psychiatry, hoping for many breakthroughs.

Early on, I decided to pursue an academic career, and specifically to focus on the neurobiology of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other psychoses. I secured a neuroscience mentor, conducted a research project, and presented my findings at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. Although at the time everyone used the term “functional” to describe mental illnesses, I was convinced that they were all neurologic conditions, with prominent psychiatric manifestations. And I have been proven right.

After my residency, I eagerly pursued a neuroscience fellowship at the National Institutes of Health. My fantasy was that during my career as a psychiatric neuroscientist, brain exploration would uncover the many mysteries of psychiatric disorders. I was insightful enough to recognize that what I envisioned for the future of psychiatry qualified as science fiction, but I never stopped dreaming.

Today, the advances in psychiatric neuroscience that were unimaginable during my residency have become dazzling discoveries. My journey as a psychiatric neuroscientist has been more thrilling than I ever imagined. I recall doing postmortem research on the brains of hundreds of deceased psychiatric patients, noticing sulci widening and ventricular dilatation, and wondering whether one day we would be able to detect those atrophic changes while the patients were alive. Although I measured those changes in postmortem brains, I was cognizant that due to preservation artifacts, such measurements were less reliable than measurements of living brains.

And then the advent of neuroimaging fulfilled my fantasies. This began towards the end of my fellowship, and has exploded with neurobiologic findings throughout my academic career. Then came dramatic methodologies to probe brain molecular and cellular pathologies, followed by breakthrough clinical advances. Entirely new vistas of research into psychiatric brain disorders are opening every day. The exhilaration will never end!

From science fiction to clinical reality

Here is a quick outline of some of the “science fiction” of psychiatry that has come true since my training days. Back then, these discoveries were completely absent from the radar screen of psychiatry, when it was still a fledgling medical specialty struggling to emerge from the dominant yet nonempirical era of psychoanalysis.

Brain exploration methods. Unpre­cedented breakthroughs in computer technology have allowed psychiatric neuroscientists to create a new field of neuroimaging research that includes:

  • cerebral blood flow (CBF)
  • position emission tomography (PET)
  • single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).

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