
New guidance on palliative care for neurologic disorders


From Neurology

Stroke, dementia, Parkinson’s guidance

For stroke, the guidance suggests neurologists encourage patients with retained decisionmaking capacity to complete advance care planning given the risk of recurrent stroke and loss of capacity in the future.

For dementia, a proper and timely diagnosis can help patients and their families prepare for the consequences of cognitive dysfunction and loss of autonomy while respecting their identified values, the authors write.

They note that for Parkinson’s disease, which is marked by slow functional and cognitive decline, neurologists must aim to anticipate and treat symptoms, address psychosocial and spiritual distress and caregiver burden, and engage patients and families in advance care planning before onset of cognitive impairment.

For patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and related disorders, clinicians should aim to document goals and treatment preferences prior to extreme weakness and aphonia.

It is also important to anticipate patient preferences for future disability-specific decisions, such as those related to feeding tubes and mechanical ventilation, and to identify the patient’s minimal acceptable outcome from these life-sustaining interventions.

On the topic of withdrawal of treatment, the paper notes that competent patients have the right to refuse life-prolonging therapies, including artificial nutrition, hydration, mechanical ventilation, and antibiotics. If physicians have a moral objection to removing life-support systems, they are obligated to transfer the care of the patient to another physician, the authors add.

Once a decision is made to forgo life-sustaining treatment, physicians should minimize subsequent suffering. The investigators note most symptoms at the end of life can be managed without sedation.

In broaching the “gap” in neurology training programs, the statement referred to a survey of 49 neurology residency programs. Results showed that 42% of respondents reported being dissatisfied with their palliative care education.

Well-timed update

Kate T. Brizzi, MD, a Boston neurologist with experience in hospice and palliative care, said the updated position statement is “well-timed” as neuropalliative care has evolved dramatically over the last decade.

“In the last several years, I’ve witnessed a significant increase in trainee interest in the field, and there is growing recognition of how a palliative care approach can improve patient care and hopefully outcomes,” said Dr. Brizzi.

She praised the authors for doing “an excellent job” in highlighting the ethical challenges facing the neurology provider, particularly as it relates to prognostication in an uncertain setting.

Dr. Brizzi noted communication tools that help facilitate discussions around shared decisionmaking “have enhanced our ability to meet the palliative care needs of our patients and can be incorporated by any provider.”

However, she added that the paper only briefly comments on the role of the neurologist in “lawful physician-hastened death.”

“I anticipate that this will be an area of further discussion in the neurology and palliative care community in the future, as requests for hastened death are frequently encountered from patients with serious neurologic illness,” she said.

Dr. Brizzi also noted the importance of understanding the reasons behind the request – and addressing patient worries related to end-of-life care, which can frequently help alleviate distress.

There was no targeted funding for this paper. Coauthor Salvador Cruz-Flores, MD, department of neurology, Texas Tech University Center, El Paso, reported participation on member adjudication committees for clinical trials for Novo Nordisk, Sunovion, and Galapagos. The remaining authors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article first appeared on


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