From the Journals

Science says this is the ‘most boring person in the world’



Dollars to avoid the dull?

The researchers also found that as the perception of how boring a person is increased, people were more likely to say they would avoid them.

To find a way to measure this avoidance, they asked people in the study how much money they would have to be paid to pal around with a perceived bore for 1 to 7 days. The payments people said they would need varied by perceptions that their boredom would be low, intermediate, or high.

As an example, they would require an average of $50 to spend one day with a highly boring person. That amount would double to $100 to spend almost 4 days in their company, and up to $230 for the week.

Dr. Leary says boredom happens when people try to pay attention to an experience or event. This means boredom goes beyond simple disinterest or trying to pay attention to someone that is not “intrinsically captivating.” When it takes more brain power to pay attention, you’ll perceive the experience as even more boring.

“Perhaps the best way to see if other people are actually boring is to talk about interesting things and see how they respond,” Dr. Leary says. “But, be careful: The topics you think make interesting conversations may be boring to others.”

A version of this article first appeared on


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