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Agitated and depressed with a traumatic brain injury

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The authors’ observations

There is significant symptomatic overlap between agitated depression and BD. It can be difficult to differentiate the diagnoses, as psychomotor agitation can be seen in MDD and agitated depression can be seen in BD. Serra et al2 investigated the prevalence of agitated depression in patients with BD and found that agitation accompanied bipolar depression in at least one-third of cases and was associated with concurrent somatic depressive symptoms, which are common features of mixed manic states. Psychomotor agitation was also associated with lifetime experience of mixed mania, comorbid panic disorder, and increased suicidal behavior.2

Though antidepressants are considered a first-line treatment for depression, they should not be used to treat agitated depression because they may increase insomnia, agitation, and suicide risk, and may trigger the onset of psychotic symptoms. In a similar vein, antidepressant monotherapy is contraindicated in BD because it may induce mania or hypomania states.2

TREATMENT Neuroprotective psychotropics

Due to Mr. N’s medical complexity (particularly cervical collar and physical therapy needs), he is not transferred to a psychiatric facility. Instead, the consultation-liaison psychiatry team follows him and provides psychiatric care in the hospital.

Due to concerns for continued self-harm, Mr. N is observed by continuous video monitoring. After initial stabilization, the care team starts valproic acid 250 mg twice daily and titrates it to 500 mg/d in the morning and 1,000 mg/d in the evening for mood stabilization, gabapentin 300 mg 3 times daily, melatonin 3 mg/d at bedtime for insomnia, and lorazepam 1 mg/d at bedtime to rule out catatonia and 1 mg/d as needed for agitation. After starting valproic acid, the care team routinely checks Mr. N’s ammonia levels throughout his hospitalization.

The authors’ observations

Treatment of agitated depression both in isolation and in the context of BD presents a clinical challenge because antidepressants are contraindicated for both agitated depression and BD. In the context of TBI, treatment of agitated depression becomes more complicated because neuroprotection is the priority. Neuroprotection refers to a medication’s ability to prevent neuronal cell death or further injury or damage through neurochemical modulation.

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