
IOM Report on Epilepsy Supports Comprehensive Approach

View on the News

A Glimpse of Where Epilepsy Needs to Be

The recent

release of the Institute

of Medicine’s report

“Epilepsy Across the Spectrum: Promoting Health and Understanding” provides a

broad view of gaps in epilepsy diagnosis, treatment, and professional and

public education about this spectrum of disorders.

Dr. Joseph F. Drazkowski

The report provides a

glimpse of where the epilepsy community needs to be in the future. I’m not sure

that all of the recommendations are attainable in the immediate short term, but

I do think that the report has laudable goals as epilepsy is sure to become an

increasingly important health issue. It’s well known in the epilepsy world that

the elderly are disproportionately represented. As the population in the United States

ages and the number of baby boomers expands, they will require more care and

epilepsy services, not less. This tells me that the estimates in the report of

how many people have or will have epilepsy may be low. Certainly, if it’s not an

underestimate at this time, that number is certainly going to rise as the baby boomers


Currently and

historically, there are certain images that are brought forth when you make the

diagnosis of epilepsy. There are all kinds of misconceptions about the

terminology. I think that standardizing the terminology used to discuss

epilepsy – as recommended in the report – will go a long way toward improving

understanding in providers, families, and persons with epilepsy.

While the committee

recommends looking at the prevention of epilepsy, I think that we have a long

way to go with regard to prevention. There are many modes of prevention.

Preventing injuries in high-impact sports such as football or motor sports is

one way of preventing epilepsy. However, prevention could take place in other

contexts after focused research. If two people present with seizure behavior,

we need to understand more fully why one person progresses to epilepsy and the

next person does not. If we can discern some of those factors, which I don’t

think are very well known at this time, we could prevent the development of

chronic seizures or epilepsy. We’re in our infancy in regard to that.

The report also

recommended epilepsy education for health professionals. Epilepsy is one of the

primary reasons for seeing a neurologist, but for the primary care provider or

other specialists, the number of people with epilepsy in their practice is

likely minimal. Most physicians can potentially manage a well-controlled

epilepsy patient, who is doing well taking a single medication and not having

any problems. However, in cases in which epilepsy is suspected but yet undiagnosed

or there’s intractability of seizures, a focused subspecialty evaluation should

be considered. This group may represent a significant portion of people with

epilepsy. No one would expect the family practitioner or the internist to care

for these complex individuals with medically refractory epilepsy who are taking

multiple medications, experiencing complex social challenges, or requiring a

surgical evaluation.

The committee also

emphasized and advocated for removing the considerable stigma associated with epilepsy

and raising public awareness of this spectrum of disorders. Right now, epilepsy

doesn’t seem have a champion for the disorder who has the cache to help raise

public awareness. The IOM report points out this often overlooked aspect of the

illness. Succeeding in the recommendation alone will go a long way to improving

the lives of people with epilepsy.

Dr. Joseph F. Drazkowski is with the department of

neurology at the Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale,

Ariz. He is the program director of

the Mayo’s fellowship in clinical neurophysiology, EEG, and epilepsy. He also

directs the EEG laboratory and codirects the epilepsy monitoring unit at the

Mayo Clinic Arizona.

His research interests have been focused primarily on social issues that

confront patients with epilepsy (especially driving and quality of life).


A new report released by the Institute of Medicine offers a unified public health plan for the epilepsies that focuses on public health surveillance and data collection, population and public health research, health policy and human services, and education.

Epilepsy represents "a complicated spectrum ... it impacts children but it also is growing very rapidly in senior citizens ... we have solutions and we need to come together as public and private communities to work with people with epilepsy, their families and their communities to make this report a reality," study chair Dr. Mary Jane England said at a press event.

The report, "Epilepsy Across the Spectrum: Promoting Health and Understanding," was released March 30.

"Our study sponsors are probably the most exciting part. The public and private sectors came together to ask the IOM [Institute of Medicine] to do this," Dr. England said. In all, 24 federal agencies and nonprofit organizations asked the IOM to examine the public health dimensions of the epilepsies. The study was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and members of the Vision 20-20 collaborative, including the American Epilepsy Society (AES), Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy, the Epilepsy Foundation, and others.

"The focus that we’ve taken the most is that epilepsy is a spectrum of disorders; it’s not just one thing. There are many different types of seizures. There are many causes of seizures. So there are many syndromes and types of epilepsy," said Dr. England, who is also visiting professor of health policy and management at Boston University.

The study committee identified several cross-cutting themes during the development of this report: epilepsy is a common and complex neurologic disorder that often affects quality of life, a whole-patient perspective is needed, effective treatments are available but access falls far short, data are needed to improve epilepsy knowledge and care and to inform policy, and there is a need to strengthen health professionals’ education, as well as bolster education efforts for people with epilepsy and their families. Lastly, though equally important, the committee cited the need to eliminate the stigma associated with epilepsy.

In the resulting report, the committee highlighted gaps in the knowledge and management of epilepsy, and made 13 recommendations:

• Validation and implementation of standard definitions and criteria for epilepsy case ascertainment, health care and community services use and costs, and quality measurement.

• Continuation and expansion of collaborative surveillance efforts.

• Development and evaluation of prevention efforts for epilepsy and its consequences.

• Improvement in the early identification of epilepsy and its comorbid health conditions.

• Development and implementation of a national quality measurement and improvement strategy for epilepsy care.

• Establishment of epilepsy center accreditation and an Epilepsy Care Network.

• Improvement in health professionals’ education about the epilepsies.

• Improvement in the delivery and coordination of community services.

• Improvement in and expansion of educational opportunities for patients and families.

• Provision of information to media to improve awareness and eliminate stigma.

• Coordination of public awareness efforts.

• Continuation and expansion of Vision 20-20 working groups and collaborative partnerships.

• Engagement of people with epilepsy and their families in education, dissemination, and advocacy for improved epilepsy care and services.


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