Cases That Test Your Skills

A taste for the unusual

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The authors’ observations

Although pica is most commonly observed in young children, it sometimes is seen in pregnant women.1 Pica frequently is associated with other mental disorders, such as pervasive developmental disorder and mental retardation,1 and can be associated with premorbid psychosis and anxiety disorders. Occasional vitamin and mineral deficiencies, such as iron or zinc, have been reported, but usually patients’ lab values are normal. Treatment usually is initiated in the context of medical complications, such as iron deficiency anemia. In Ms. O’s case, the precipitating event was mechanical bowel obstruction due to a bezoar.

Several theories about the origins of pica have been proposed, but none truly are explanatory or satisfactory. The nutritional theory—that patients eat non-nutritive substances to compensate for mineral deficiencies—is popular because of pica’s frequent association with mineral deficiencies, but it is unknown whether pica is the cause or the result of the deficiency. An example of this is anemia due to eating clay instead of foods that contain iron. Another theory is that because pica is normal in early childhood development, it may be a manifestation of delayed development or mental retardation. The cultural theory is attractive because pregnant women in several cultures eat starch or clay as a part of their native rituals, and the incidence of pica is relatively high among pregnant African American women who live in rural areas.3 In the Roux-en-Y procedure, bypass of the duodenum and proximal jejunum can significantly decrease a patient’s iron uptake, leading to iron deficiency anemia, and could trigger pica in a susceptible patient.4

Exacerbation after gastric bypass

Kushner et al4 describes re-emergent pica after bariatric surgery in 2 patients with pagophagia associated with concomitant iron deficiency anemia. A 41-year-old white woman presented with pagophagia and a history of childhood consumption of dirt, chalk, and clay. Another patient, a 34-year-old African American woman, suffered from a lifelong desire to eat dirt, which she was able to resist, but experienced pagophagia during pregnancy and later when she developed iron deficiency anemia.4 In another case series, Kushner et al5 describes a 35-year-old woman with iron deficiency anemia with pagophagia presenting 2 years after Roux-en-Y. Her history was significant for eating clay as a child, but this new-onset pagophagia was so intense she purchased 2 snow cone machines, one for home and one for work, to feed her urges. Another patient, a 45-year-old African American woman, had an irresistible craving for calcium carbonate antacids, eating 40 to 50 a day, as well as several 30-ounce cups of ice.5 A third case report details a 33-year-old woman with iron deficiency anemia who presented with nocturnal pagophagia after Roux-en-Y anastomosis. She repeatedly rose during the night to eat the frost off the ice maker in her refrigerator.6 Another case described a female patient who ate cardboard after having a Roux-en-Y.2

Common themes in these case reports are female sex, Roux-en-Y, and dramatic resurgence of previously noted pica behaviors after gastric bypass surgery. Several studies have shown that pagophagia and pica in patients who are iron deficient or have iron deficiency anemia can be rapidly curbed with iron supplements.5 Ms. O, who has low iron, is taking iron supplementation, yet continues to experience pica cravings, albeit less severely. Her pica could be psychiatric in origin, perhaps related to her history of anxiety.

OUTCOME: Combination therapy

We start Ms. O on ziprasidone, 80 mg twice a day, restart lorazepam, 1 mg/d, and schedule monthly follow-up appointments to monitor her pica symptoms. We prescribe ziprasidone because it could treat paranoia and preoccupations and is considered to be weight-neutral. She continues her supplements, including ferrous sulfate, 325 mg 3 times daily. Ms. O attends weekly behavioral therapy sessions, during which the therapist monitors her mood and cravings with response prevention, which entails purposely avoiding behaviors after initiating a distressing stimulus. Ms. O responds well to medication and psychotherapy 1 month after the gastric bezoar removal, and she reports a decreased urge to eat cardboard. She is able to increase the amount of time she can go without eating non-nutritive substances—once daily, rather than repeatedly throughout the day.

The authors’ observations

Each patient with pica likely needs customized care. Children need to be supervised to prevent ingestion of lead-containing substances such as paint chips. Iron supplements are recommended for iron deficiency anemia and prophylaxis for iron deficiency anemia in Roux-en-Y patients.3,4 Pica in pregnant patients should be addressed to maintain adequate nutrition and prevent accidental poisonings.7 Behavioral intervention strategies are based on positive reinforcement and punishment (Table).8 A report of 3 young children with pica noted successful treatment of one with automatic reinforcement, and the other 2 with a combination of social and automatic reinforcement.9 There are no FDA-approved medications for pica. Positive effects have been seen with SSRIs, bupropion, atypical antipsychotics, buprenorphine, and chlorimipramine.10 Olanzapine has shown positive results as a treatment for pica.11 Most pica patients need concurrent psychotherapy.10

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