Cases That Test Your Skills

Obsessed with Facebook

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Mr. M, age 22, presents with paranoia and heightened agitation. He states that friends and family are talking about him ‘in analogies’ on Facebook. How would you intervene?



CASE: Paranoid and online

Mr. M, age 22, is brought to the emergency department by family because they are concerned about his paranoia and increasing agitation related to Facebook posts by friends and siblings. At age 8, Mr. M was diagnosed with depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and anger management problems, which were well controlled with fluoxetine until last year, when he discontinued psychiatric follow-up. Mr. M’s girlfriend ended their relationship 1 month ago, although it is unclear whether the break-up was caused by his depressive symptoms or exacerbated them. In the last 2 days, his parents have noticed an increase in his delusional thoughts and aggressive behavior.

Family psychiatric history is not significant. Five years ago, Mr. M suffered a head injury in a motor vehicle collision, but completed high school without evidence of cognitive impairment or behavioral changes.

Mr. M appears disheveled and irritable. He reports his mood as “depressed,” but denies suicidal or homicidal ideations. He has no history of violence or antisocial behavior.

Mr. M is alert and oriented with clear speech, intact language, and grossly intact memory and concentration—although, he admits, “I just obsess over certain thoughts.” He endorses feelings of anxiety, insomnia, low energy, lack of sleep secondary to his paranoia, and claims that “something was said on Facebook about a girl and everyone is in on it.” He explains that his Facebook friends talk in “analogies” about him, and reports that, “I can just tell that’s what they are talking about even if they don’t say it directly.”

What would you include in Mr. M’s differential diagnosis?

a) impulse control disorder

b) brief psychotic episode

c) psychotic depression

d) bipolar disorder

The authors’ observations

The last decade has seen a rise in the creation and use of social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. Facebook has 1.15 billion monthly active users.1 Seventy-five percent of teenagers own cell phones, and 25% report using their phones to access social media outlets.2 More than 50% of teenagers visit a social networking site daily, with 22% logging in to their favorite social media network more than 10 times a day.3 The easy accessibility of social media outlets has prompted study of the association of that accessibility with anxiety, depression, and self-esteem.3-7

Although not a DSM-5 or ICD-10 diagnosis, internet addiction has been correlated with depression.8 Similarly, O’Keefe and colleagues describe Facebook depression in teens who spend a large amount of time on social networking sites.4 The recently developed Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS)9 evaluates the six core elements of addiction (salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, and relapse) in Facebook users.

Facebook certainly provides a valuable mechanism for friends to stay connected in an increasingly global society, and has acknowledged the potential it has to address mental illness. In 2011, Facebook partnered with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to allow users to report observed suicidal content, thereby utilizing the online community to facilitate delivery of mental health resources.10,11

HISTORY: Sibling rivalry

Mr. M had a romantic relationship with “Ms. B” in high school that he describes as “on and off,” beginning during his sophomore year. He describes himself as a “quick learner” who is task-oriented. He says he was outgoing in high school but became more introverted during his last year there. After high school, Mr. M worked as an electrician and discontinued psychiatric follow-up because he “felt fine.” He lives at home with his parents, two older sisters, and twin brother, who he identifies as being a lifelong “rival.”

After Ms. B ended her relationship with Mr. M, he began to suspect that she had become romantically involved with his twin brother. After Mr. M observed his brother leaving the house one night, he confronted his twin, who denied any involvement with Ms. B. After his brother left, Mr. M became enraged and punched a wall, fracturing his hand.

Two weeks before admission, Mr. M became increasingly preoccupied with suspicions of his brother’s involvement with Ms. B and looked for evidence on Facebook. Mr. M intensely monitored his Facebook news feed, which constantly updates to show public posts made by a user’s Facebook friends. He interpreted his friends’ posts as either directly relating to him or to a new relationship between Ms. B and his twin brother, stating that his friends were “talking in analogies” rather than directly using names.

Mr. M’s Facebook use rapidly increased to 3 or more hours a day. He can access Facebook from his laptop or cell phone, and reports logging in more than 10 times throughout the day. He says that, on Facebook, “it’s easier to talk trash” because people can say things they would not normally say face to face. He also states that Facebook is “ruining personal relationships,” and that it is “so easy to be in touch with everyone without really being in touch.”


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