Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Must Reads by Date

Must reads for theWeek ending December 25, 2016

Veterans’ Urate-Lowering Therapy Monitoring Suboptimal, Ann Pharmacother; ePub 2016 Nov 22; Hughes, et al

CPDD Comorbidities Examined, Arthritis Care Res; ePub 2016 Nov 29; Balderrama, et al

Using Vitamin E for Bone Health Is Not Warranted , Osteoporos Int; ePub 2016 Dec 1; Zhang, Hu, et al

Fragmented Care Among SLE Patients Problematic, Arthritis Care Res; ePub 2016 Nov 29; Walunas, et al

SLE Hospitalization Significant Financial Burden , Lupus; ePub 2016 Nov 9; Anandarajah, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending December 18, 2016

RA Patients Have Higher Risk of CVD, Clin Geriatr Med; 2017 Feb; Mackey, Kuller, et al

Obesity Comorbidity in RA Patients Increasing, Arthritis Care Res; ePub 2016 Nov 21; Nikiphorou, et al

Tapering of RA Biologics Suggested Post-Remission , Clin Rheumatol; ePub Nov 28; Lenert, Lenert

Role of Extracellular Vesicles in RA Examined, Arthritis Res Ther; ePub 2016 Dec 1; Withrow, et al

RA Risk Variant CCR6DNP Regulates CCR6 via PARP-1 , PLOS Genetics; ePub 2016 Sep 14; Li, Cunin, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending December 11, 2016

Bone Density Loss Linked with Blood Cell Counts, J Bone Miner Res; ePub 2016 Nov 2; Valderrabano, et al

Improvement Noted in HZ Vaccination in RA Patients, J Rheumatol; ePub 2016 Nov 15; Sheth, et al

Lupus, Depression Linked with Atherosclerosis, Arthritis Care Res; ePub 2016 Nov 21; Jorge, et al

Disparities Exist in Osteoporosis Screening , Am J Med; ePub 2016 Nov 21; Gillespie, et al

Time Is Main Barrier to SLE Quality Indicators , Clin Rheumatol; ePub 2016 Nov 22; Casey, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending December 4, 2016

RA-MM Patients Report Higher Disease Activity, Arthritis Rheum; ePub 2016 Nov 11; Radner, et al

Small Number of RA Patients Met MVPA Guidelines, Arthritis Care Res; ePub 2016 Nov 18; Iversen, et al

Distal Airway Dysbiosis Present in Early RA , Microbiome; ePub 2016 Nov 17; Scher, et al

Evidence of Gut Microbe Found in RA Patients, Arthritis Rheum; ePub 2016 Nov 18; Painta, et al

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Must reads for theWeek ending November 27, 2016

Immunosuppressive Drugs & Cervical Cancer Link, Lupus; ePub 2016 Oct 31; Feldman, Liu, et al

SHBG, Sex Steroids, Kyphosis in Older Men, J Bone Miner Res; ePub 2016 Nov 3; Woods, et al

Weight Loss, Fractures, and Mortality in Older Men, J Bone Miner Res; ePub 2016 Nov 7; Ensrud, et al

More than Half of Persons with Knee OA Are <65 , Arthritis Care Res; ePub 2016 Nov 3; Deshpande, et al

CLE Linked to Increased Risk of Cardio Accidents, Arthritis Care Res; ePub 2016 Oct 26; Singh, et al

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