COVID-19 Updates
Clinical trials: Top priority for long COVID
Behavioral treatments including exercise, graded exercise therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy should not be trialed, let alone prioritized,...
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COVID-19 and psoriasis: Is there a link?
“Infection with COVID-19 has been associated with flares of guttate and pustular psoriasis, and even psoriasis that affects 100% of the skin.”
Researchers seek to understand post-COVID autoimmune disease risk
Three large studies link past SARS-CoV-2 infection to new-onset autoimmune disease, but it is not yet clear what drives this relationship.
From the Journals
Long-COVID patients respond differently to COVID vaccines
Differences could explain why some people experience symptoms for months while others recover faster.
Conference Coverage
Parents of patients with rheumatic disease, MIS-C strongly hesitant of COVID vaccination
A single-center study and a survey of rheumatologists revealed similar levels of hesitancy among parents of both these populations.
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Long COVID hitting some states, minorities, women harder
The survey found that women, smokers, and those who had severe COVID-19 infections are most likely to have the disorder.
COVID can mimic prostate cancer symptoms
“I had none of those previously reported experiences that could suddenly trigger a spike in PSA.”
Conference Coverage
FREEDOM COVID: Full-dose anticoagulation cut mortality but missed primary endpoint
In an in-hospital anticoagulation trial, the primary COVID endpoint was missed but a survival benefit is observed.
From the Journals
Prehospital COVID therapy effective in rheumatic disease patients
Patients with rheumatic disease and SARS-CoV-2 infection who received outpatient treatment fared better than similar patients who did not receive...
The five biggest changes in the 2023 adult vaccine schedules
COVID vaccines are now front and center among 2023’s five most important changes.
A new (old) drug joins the COVID fray, and guess what? It works
Part of the reason the monoclonals have failed lately is because of their specificity.