Jan 2020
Vol. 105
No. 01


Environmental Dermatology

  • Environmental Dermatology

    What’s Eating You? Vespids Revisited

    Three types of reactions can be seen after a vespid sting: uncomplicated local reactions, large local reactions, and systemic reactions. Although...

Military Dermatology

  • Military Dermatology

    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Dermatology

    Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be considered for the treatment of failing cutaneous grafts and flaps, chronic ulcerations caused by vasculitis or...

Tech Talk

Case Reports

Original Research

Clinical Review

Practical Pearls

  • Practical Pearls

    Cartilage Sutures for a Large Nasal Defect

    The authors highlight the use of cartilage sutures in nasal reconstruction. Interdomal cartilage sutures may decrease defect size and contribute...

Photo Challenge

  • Photo Challenge

    Brown-Black Punctate Macule on the Left Palm

    A 16-year-old adolescent boy presented to our clinic with a “new brown mole” on the left palm that had appeared within the last few months. The...

  • Photo Challenge

    Friable Scalp Nodule

    A 75-year-old woman presented with an enlarging plaque on the scalp of 5 years' duration. Physical examination revealed a 5.6.2 ×2.9-cm, tan-...

Dermpath Diagnosis

  • Dermpath Diagnosis

    Ulcerated Nodule on the Scalp

    A 66-year-old woman presented to the dermatology clinic with a rapidly enlarging, draining lesion on the scalp. The lesion seemed to enlarge over...

Case Letter

Residents’ Corner

  • Residents’ Corner

    The Lowdown on Low-Dose Naltrexone

    Low-dose naltrexone is an alternative anti-inflammatory treatment to consider in patients with inflammatory skin diseases, with a minimal side-...