Photo Challenge
Photo Challenge
Multiple Annular Erythematous Plaques
A 59-year-old man was admitted to the medical ward with multiple annular erythematous plaques and polyarthralgia of several months’ duration. His...
Photo Challenge
Violaceous-Purpuric Targetoid Macules and Patches With Bullae and Ulceration
A 64-year-old man with long-standing myelofibrosis presented with neutropenic fevers as well as progressive painful lesions of 3 days’ duration on...
Photo Challenge
Atypical Keratotic Nodule on the Knuckle
A 75-year-old man presented with a lesion on the knuckle of 5 months’ duration. He reported that the lesion initially grew very quickly before...
Original Research
Original Research
New Razor Technology Improves Appearance and Quality of Life in Men With Pseudofolliculitis Barbae
Frequent use of a novel razor technology designed specifically for men with pseudofolliculitis barbae was found to improve skin appearance and...
Original Research
Factors Influencing Patient Preferences for Phototherapy: A Survey Study
This study aimed to determine which form of phototherapy—in-office UVB, at-home UVB, home tanning, salon tanning, and sunbathing—was preferred by...
Practical Pearls
Practical Pearls
The Universal Dermatology Bandage Kit: A Succinct Collection of Supplies
We present a universal bandage kit as a resource for physicians in search of a concise guide for purchasing materials and educating nursing staff...
Nurturing a Satisfying Career in Dermatology
My approach to my career in dermatology can be summarized in 3 words: purpose, serendipity, and curiosity.
Insights From the 2020-2021 Dermatology Residency Match
Although there have been numerous changes to the dermatology interview process due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the overall fill rate for...
Advocacy Update: Ringing in 2023
We review the new digital pathology codes released on July 1, 2022, that will go into effect January 1, 2023. We also discuss the proposed...
Military Dermatology
Military Dermatology
Janus Kinase Inhibitors in the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: Military Considerations
Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors represent one of the newest and most promising additions to the available treatments of atopic dermatitis (AD).
Dermpath Diagnosis
Dermpath Diagnosis
Mobile Enlarging Scalp Nodule
A 50-year-old man presented with a 2.5-cm, subcutaneous, freely mobile nodule on the occipital scalp that first appeared 35 years prior but...
Dx Across the Skin Color Spectrum
Dx Across the Skin Color Spectrum
A well-demarcated, red-brown plaque with fine scale in the antecubital fossa of an obese Hispanic woman. What's the condition, and what are the...
Case Reports
Case Reports
Pyostomatitis Vegetans With Orofacial and Vulvar Granulomatosis in a Pediatric Patient
Pyostomatitis vegetans is a rare manifestation of cutaneous Crohn disease in children and can precede the onset of bowel pathology.
Case Letter
Case Letter
Skin Manifestations of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a neurologic condition characterized by chronic pain and sensory changes, including allodynia and...
Case Letter
Juvenile Dermatomyositis–Associated Panniculitis
Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is an autoimmune disorder with childhood onset that predominantly affects the muscles and skin, among other organs...
Case Letter
Use of Dupilumab in Severe, Multifactorial, Chronic Itch for Geriatric Patients
Dupilumab is efficacious and safe in the management of chronic pruritus, even in complex cases such as elderly patients with multiple...
Case Letter
Oral Propranolol Used as Adjunct Therapy in Cutaneous Angiosarcoma
Although cutaneous angiosarcoma typically portends a poor prognosis at the time of diagnosis, adjunctive oral propranolol may be a promising and...
For Residents
For Residents
Feedback and Education in Dermatology Residency
Feedback between dermatology trainees and their educators should be provided in a private and constructive way soon after the observation was...
CME Supplements
Sponsored Supplement
Innovations in Dermatology Fall Abstract Compendium