Conference Coverage

Surgical excision essential in severe hidradenitis suppurativa



Dapsone at 50-150 mg/day for up to 12 weeks is an additional option. It’s most useful in patients with nodules that are disproportionately painful, in Dr. Hamzavi’s experience.

Deroofing is a simple procedure that should be considered for all sinus tracts. It entails numbing the area with a ring block then introducing a curette or surgical probe into the sinus tract to open it up and get rid of the gelatinous material within. Dutch investigators have detailed the technique (J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010 Sep;63[3]:475-80).

Tumor necrosis factor–inhibitor therapy has been a major advance in Hurley stage II and III disease. “It doesn’t work in everybody, but a lot of patients can be stabilized,” Dr. Hamzavi observed.

Efficacy has been amply demonstrated for adalimumab (Humira) and infliximab (Remicade). In Dr. Hamzavi’s experience infliximab works better, probably because it offers more dosing options.

Assuming medical therapy has resulted in disease stabilization, CO2 laser excision of sinus tracts under local anesthesia can then be employed as an office procedure to turn back the clock and return to an earlier stage of disease. Dermatologists at the Cleveland Clinic have described the technique in detail (Dermatol Surg. 2010 Feb;36[2]:208-13).


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