Under My Skin



I got on the phone.

“Forgive me,” I said, gently, “but Marissa has been taking isotretinoin for 2 months, 60-mg per day. She was taking two 30’s. I want her to have three 20’s. They both add up to 60 mg. It’s the same dose. Why do you need to authorize it again?”

“Let me input that,” she replied. “Oh, now it’s accepting it. Your patient can have up to four pills a day.”

I was going to say she only needs three, but kept my mouth shut. Maybe Jensen only authorizes even numbers. 2. Danny has the worst atopic dermatitis I’ve ever seen. It’s all over him and never lets up. Topical steroids don’t touch it. Even prednisone – he’s had plenty over the years – barely makes a dent. I put in a Prior Authorization request for dupilumab.


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