


Cucumber extracts can currently be found in a wide range of over-the-counter skin care creams and eye gels.


Cucumber has captured the popular imagination as an effective, temporary agent for the relief of swollen eyes, or dark circles under the eyes. It has developed an anecdotal reputation as a diuretic that systemically and topically acts against water retention, thus ameliorating burns, dermatitis, and swollen eyes. This folk medicine success or popularity has, perhaps, spurred the inclusion of C. sativa in various skin care products. There is a dearth of research on the dermatologic benefits of the plant, however, as well as its usefulness in skin care products. That said, some emerging evidence regarding its inhibitory effect on melanin production bears watching. Much more research is necessary to determine the appropriate role of cucumber in dermatology.

Dr. Baumann is in private practice in Miami Beach. She did not disclose any conflicts of interest.


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