Original Research

Tretinoin Microsphere Gel 0.1% for Photodamaged Facial Skin: A Placebo-Controlled Trial

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Tretinoin microsphere gel (TMG) 0.1% was evaluated as a treatment of photodamaged skin. The study included a 6-month, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase and an additional 6-month open-label phase during which all subjects received TMG 0.1%. Forty-five subjects with moderate to severe photodamaged facial skin applied study gel topically to the face once nightly (22 subjects received TMG 0.1% and 23 subjects received placebo). At 6 months, TMG 0.1% was found to be superior to placebo in improving overall severity of photodamage (P=.0003) and in the investigator's global assessment of clinical response (P


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