Pediatric Dermatology

Outpatient Pediatric Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A Polymorphous Clinical Disease

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Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CAMRSA) presents numerous diagnostic and therapeutic problems for the outpatient physician, including the appropriate use of antibiotics and proper counseling of families on ways to prevent household spread. Most cases of CAMRSA in children involve soft tissue and skin infection, which is precisely the type of infection most likely to be diagnosed in a dermatology practice. We reviewed 8 pediatric cases of cutaneous CAMRSA that presented over 8 months. The 8 pediatric patients presented with one or more of the following: folliculitis (n=4), abscesses of the groin (n=3), impetiginized atopic dermatitis (AD)(n=2), pustules (n=2), bullous impetigo (n=1), and nonbullous impetigo (n=1). Three caregivers of these children developed abscesses in exposed areas such as the forearm (n=3) and calf (n=1). The folliculitis cases involved the abdomen, groin and diaper region, buttocks, and inner thighs; the impetiginized AD did not differ from the distribution of the AD. The variety of clinical presentations and the spread in households represent a few of the many facets of CAMRSA in the pediatric dermatology outpatient setting.


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