
Cutaneous Metastasis of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of the Breast to an Infusaport Site

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Cutaneous metastasis of a primary internal malignancy is a relatively common phenomenon, occurring in up to 10% of patients with noncutaneous cancer. Cutaneous metastasis can occur via direct extension, hematologic or lymphatic dissemination, or surgical implantation. The most common internal malignancy associated with the development of cutaneous metastases in females is breast cancer. We present a patient with widely metastatic invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast, status postpalliative mastectomy and chest wall coverage with a vertical rectus abdominus myocutaneous flap, who acquired cellulitis and, subsequently, noncontiguous cutaneous metastasis of her breast cancer to the site of her central venous access device (ie, infusaport). We hypothesize that the local inflammation associated with her recent bout of cellulitis and operations, in conjunction with the presence of a foreign body, may have predisposed the infusaport site to seeding by metastatic tumor cells. This case highlights the importance of considering cutaneous metastasis in the differential diagnosis of new skin eruptions in patients with cancer.


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