Original Research

Adherence to Clocortolone Pivalate Cream 0.1% in a Pediatric Population With Atopic Dermatitis

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Topical corticosteroids are first-line treatments for atopic dermatitis (AD) and their efficacy is well-established in randomized controlled clinical trials. When corticosteroids fail in clinical practice, it often is attributed to nonresponse. However, poor adherence also should be considered. With the advent of electronic monitoring systems, objective data on adherence can be obtained. The purpose of this study was to determine both self-reported and actual adherence to clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1% in the treatment of AD in a pediatric population. Six participants completed the 4-week study. Self-reported adherence was significantly higher than objectively measured adherence (P=.01). In general, adherence was best during the first week of treatment and tapered off thereafter. Clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1% was generally effective, with rapid improvement over the first week of treatment, even when adherence was limited. This study was limited by the small sample size and the failure of 2 participants to complete the study. Patients overestimate their adherence behavior. While some patients are adherent to treatment, others rapidly discontinue their use of medication over time. Midpotency topical corticosteroids such as clocortolone pivalate cream 0.1% are highly effective treatments for AD. Poor adherence should be considered when AD is not responding to topical corticosteroid treatment.


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