Original Research

A Novel Gel Formulation of Clindamycin Phosphate–Tretinoin Is Not Associated With Acne Flaring

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Concern exists about using topical retinoids on patients with inflammatory acne lesions, fearing that a flare in inflammation will occur. In 3 multicenter, double-blind, randomized, phase 3 trials of a clindamycin phosphate 1.2%–tretinoin 0.025% gel (CLIN/RA), clinical evaluations after 2 weeks of treatment determined if flaring occurred in participants treated with tretinoin gel 0.025% (RA) monotherapy, and the difference in inflammation when treated with the combination formulation. Flaring was assessed as an increase in inflammatory lesions of 10% or greater or 20% or greater versus baseline. Most participants experienced improvement in lesions across treatment groups. Participants with mild acne at baseline treated with RA monotherapy had significantly higher rates of flaring compared with participants treated with vehicle gel (VEH)(P


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