Original Research

A Multicenter, Double-blind Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of 2 Treatments in Participants With Mild to Moderate Acne Vulgaris

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Acne treatment regimens have changed due to the recent over-the-counter (OTC) switch of all prescription benzoyl peroxide (BPO) topical preparations. The elimination of prescription single-agent BPO products means that dermatologists must select from a variety of OTC formulations to utilize the time-tested efficacy of BPO in the treatment of mild to moderate acne. Our research compared the efficacy and safety of an OTC BPO 5.5% formulation with lipohydroxy acid and tretinoin cream 0.025% with prescription clindamycin 1%–BPO 5% gel and tretinoin cream 0.025%. Parity was demonstrated between the 2 treatment regimens at 12 weeks.


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