From the Cosmetic Dermatology Archives

Acitretin Plus UVB Phototherapy in the Treatment of Psoriasis

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Acitretin frequently is used in conjunction with UVB phototherapy. Home-based phototherapy is an important therapeutic option that offers greater convenience to patients. We conducted a review of the literature on acitretin and home-based phototherapy in the treatment of psoriasis with a focus on the reported efficacy, safety, cost, and practical use considerations associated with combination therapy. Acitretin plus UVB phototherapy is more efficacious than either treatment alone. Adverse events reported were similar between office-based and home-based phototherapy treatments. Acitretin is not appropriate for women of childbearing potential. Patients generally are more satisfied with home-based phototherapy than office-based phototherapy. Dermatologists should consider acitretin plus home-based phototherapy as a first-line treatment option for appropriately selected patients with psoriasis.


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