From the Cosmetic Dermatology Archives

Poly-L-lactic Acid for Chest Rejuvenation: A Retrospective Study of 28 Cases Using a 5-Point Chest Wrinkle Scale

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Photoaging occurs as a result of excessive actinic damage. In the chest area, or décolletage, photodamage is characterized by skin laxity, rhytides, hyperpigmentation, erythema, tactile roughness, atrophy, and telangiectases. Rejuvenation of the décolletage is a common inquiry of patients presenting to cosmetic dermatology and plastic surgery offices. Injectable poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) received its US Food and Drug Administration indication for correction of shallow to deep nasolabial fold (smile line) contour deficiencies and other facial wrinkles in 2009. Off-label use of PLLA has been shown to improve rhytides and texture in the chest area. Using a 5-point chest wrinkle scale to assist in patient assessment, this article provides a retrospective review of 28 cases in which PLLA was used in the décolletage.


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