From the Cosmetic Dermatology Archives

Lasers and Light Sources to Activate Fibroblasts

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There is a decrease in normal collagen in aged and sun-damaged skin. Neocollagenesis can pro­mote a more youthful appearance. A key target in the mitigation of the pathophysiology of pho­toaging is fibroblasts. Various therapeutic modalities can be employed, including topical retinoids, dermabrasion, radiofrequency or ultrasound energy, and filler injections. This review focuses on the molecular-level effects of lasers and light sources to activate fibroblasts. Fractional ablative and nonab­lative resurfacing lasers are the gold standard for stimulating aged fibroblasts and inducing neocol­lagenesis; however, other laser and light modalities can be employed to activate quiescent fibroblasts.


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