
Bellis perennis



The roots and flowers of B. perennis have been used for many years in traditional medicine to treat various conditions, including skin disorders. While modern scientific interest has been piqued, the current body of evidence is meager. Much more research is necessary to determine the potential role of topical B. perennis in the dermatologic armamentarium. But recent data and the history of traditional use suggest that such research is warranted.

Dr. Baumann is chief executive officer of the Baumann Cosmetic & Research Institute in Miami Beach. She founded the cosmetic dermatology center at the University of Miami in 1997. Dr. Baumann wrote the textbook "Cosmetic Dermatology: Principles and Practice" (McGraw-Hill, April 2002), and a book for consumers, "The Skin Type Solution" (Bantam, 2006). She has contributed to the Cosmeceutical Critique column in Skin & Allergy News since January 2001 and joined the editorial advisory board in 2004. Dr. Baumann has received funding for clinical grants from Allergan, Aveeno, Avon Products, Galderma, Mary Kay, Medicis Pharmaceuticals, Neutrogena, Philosophy, Stiefel, Topix Pharmaceuticals, and Unilever.


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