Cosmetic Dermatology

Interventions for the Treatment of Stretch Marks: A Systematic Review

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Risk of Bias

The risk of bias in methodology was evaluated for all 8 RCTs and the judgments were given for each domain (Figure 2). All the included studies claimed to be RCTs, but only 37.5% (3/8) of them used adequate randomizations, which were from a including computer-generated code,10 a table of randomized numbers,13 or the Microsoft Excel RND function (from the author by e-mail).14 The randomization methods in the other 5 studies were unclear. Allocation concealment was adequate in 1 trial13 but was unclear in the others. Three trials were double-blinded with the participants and outcome assessors blinded10,13,16; in 2 of these studies investigators also were blinded.10,13 There were 5 single-blinded trials; in 3 of these trials the outcome assessors were blinded12,14,15 and 1 was investigator-blinded.9 The other study was stated to be single-blinded but with no further detail.11 Due to the nature of the experimental design in 2 of the trials12,15 (ie, effects of laser therapy compared to topical treatment or no therapy), participants could not be blinded to treatment types; however, participants were blinded in 1 trial that compared different types of lasers.16 Investigators from all studies reported participants who did not complete the trial or were lost to follow-up, ranging from 0% to 65.6%. Two trials reported no loss of follow-up.11,12 Most trials had losses less than 20% except Pribanich et al13 who reported a loss of 65.6% of participants. One trial included a full analysis set,9 and none of the studies included an intention-to-treat analysis.

Risk of bias summary based on judgments about each risk of bias domain for each study. + indicates low risk of bias; ?, unclear risk of bias; -, high risk of bias. Figure 2. Risk of bias summary based on judgments about each risk of bias domain for each study. indicates low risk of bias; ?, unclear risk of bias; -, high risk of bias.

The overall risk of bias was assessed for each study and none could be categorized as low risk. Six studies had 1 or more domains assessed as high risk of bias and were classified as high risk of bias.9,11-15 The remaining 2 studies without high-risk domains had one or more domains assessed as unclear10,16 and were therefore considered to be at unclear risk of bias overall.


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