Case Reports

Cold Panniculitis: Delayed Onset in an Adult

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The panniculitides are a complex dermatologic entity for both dermatologists and dermatopathologists. Panniculitis is an inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue and can be associated with systemic diseases. We present a case of cold panniculitis, a form of traumatic panniculitis, in a 37-year-old woman that was caused by a cold therapy unit. Our patient did not develop lesions until 10 days following initiation of therapy, which is a unique presentation of cold panniculitis, as lesions usually develop 1 to 3 days after cold exposure.

Practice Points

  • ­Cold panniculitis is a form of traumatic panniculitis.
  • ­Cold panniculitis often appears on the cheeks and chin, areas that are exposed to cold weather or wind because they are not covered with protective clothing, in infants and small children.
  • ­Treatment of cold panniculitis is based on the prevention of further insult.



The panniculitides can be a complex dermatologic entity for both dermatologists and dermatopathologists. The history, clinical examination, and histology need to be correlated to arrive at a differential diagnosis that will ultimately provide a diagnosis for the subcutaneous lesions. Panniculitis is an inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue and can be associated with systemic diseases. According to Peters and Su,1 “Anatomic location of lesions, presence or absence of ulceration, occurrence of lipoatrophy, history of trauma, association with immunologic or metabolic disorders, and age of the patient are important clinical data to consider in conjunction with the microscopic features.” The panniculitides histologic differences may be subtle because they all include septal and lobular components, but one is usually more dominant in leading to a diagnosis along with the clinical findings.2

Cold panniculitis is a form of traumatic panniculitis. We present a unique case of this condition that was caused by use of a cold therapy unit following surgery to relieve pain.

Case Report

A 37-year-old woman presented for a routine postoperative visit 15 days following arthroscopic repair of a superior labrum anterior posterior tear in the left shoulder with a single suture anchor. The patient reported a rash that had developed 10 days postoperatively on the left upper arm. The rash started as red dots that progressively became larger, painful, and warm to the touch. The rash did not spread anywhere else on the patient’s body, and she denied fever, chills, and pruritus. She had tried using diphenhydramine without relief. The only new medication the patient had started prior to the eruption was oxycodone, which was initiated immediately following surgery. Prior to surgery, the entire left upper extremity including the shoulder had been prepared with a preoperative surgical skin antiseptic. There were no visible signs of the antiseptic on the skin at the time of presentation. The patient reported that she had applied a cold therapy unit to the left upper arm over her clothing for 1 hour every night since surgery. The cold therapy unit frequently is used to help decrease postoperative pain, swelling, inflammation, and narcotic use following surgical procedures.

Physical examination revealed multiple well-defined, erythematous, tender, indurated, warm nodules on the lateral aspect of the left upper arm (Figure 1). No other areas of eruption were noted on the body, and there was no swelling of the left elbow, forearm, wrist, or hand. The left upper extremity demonstrated intact sensation, rapid capillary refill, and a palpable radial pulse. Her weight was 230.1 lb with a body mass index of 35.

Figure 1. Multiple well-defined, erythematous, tender, indurated nodules presented on the lateral aspect of the left upper arm.

Figure 2. Punch biopsy showed a superficial and deep perivascular and periadnexal lymphoid infiltrate with involvement of the subcutis (H&E, original magnification ×40).

A 5-mm punch biopsy from a nodule on the left upper arm was performed, and pathology demonstrated vacuolar interface changes with patchy parakeratosis, spongiosis, and dyskeratosis on staining with hematoxylin and eosin. Pandermal and subcutaneous perivascular, periadnexal, and mild interstitial lymphohistiocytic infiltrate with occasional neutrophils and eosinophils were noted (Figure 2). The inflammation extended to the subcutaneous fat involving both septae and lobules with a primarily lobular distribution.

Clinical and pathologic correlation was required to arrive at a definitive diagnosis of cold panniculitis. The epidermal and dermal changes were consistent with a pernio or chilblains type of insult, and the septal and lobular panniculitis was indicative of cold panniculitis. The patient was advised to discontinue use of the cold therapy device as well as any other form of icing of the left shoulder or arm. She continued the oxycodone for pain control. Four weeks postoperatively, only desquamation remained where the nodules had previously appeared, which also eventually resolved.


Infants and small children are more predisposed to cold panniculitis than adults. In their 2008 review, Quesada-Cortés et al3 found the first report of cold panniculitis by Hochsinger in 1902 in a German pediatric journal, followed by reports from Lemez in 1928 and Haxthausen in 1941, which subsequently described similar cases in infants. Adult cases were not reported until 1963 by Solomon and Beerman4 and then in 1980 by Beacham et al.5

Etiologies for children have included popsicles, ice packs applied to the face to control supraventricular tachycardia or to the lower extremities after vaccinations, and cold weather exposure.6 The chemical composition of fat tissue plays a role in pediatric patients. According to Quesada-Cortés et al,3 subcutaneous fat in newborns is rich in saturated oils such as palmitic and stearic acids that have a higher solidification point. A small decrease in an infant’s temperature may result in crystallization of fat. The subcutaneous fat tends to become more unsaturated with aging with more oleic acid, and the solidification temperature diminishes.7


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