
The Optimized Doctor


Heroes change with the times and are metaphors for the real-life challenges we face and our abilities to overcome them.

The Optimized Doctor

Slowing down

This past Labor Day weekend, I did something radical. I slowed down. Way down.

The Optimized Doctor

Creating positive patient experiences

Let’s start with an exercise, shall we? What was the last vacation you went on? How would you rate that vacation on a scale of 1-10?[[{"fid":"...

The Optimized Doctor

Tabata training

The specific move you do for Tabatas is up to you, but it’s recommended that it be the same move for all 4 minutes.

The Optimized Doctor

What Alaska can teach us about burnout

Time is a constant, relentless monster, one that has apparently infiltrated my subconscious. Yet, time is relative.

The Optimized Doctor


Discussing diet, like politics, religion, or salary, is best done just with oneself. Yet, I’m compelled to share what I’ve learned.

The Optimized Doctor

Grind it out

“And five more, four more, three more, two more, one more, and done!” Just when you thought you could not stand the searing pain any longer, it...

The Optimized Doctor


If, like me, you're unable to dedicate your life to consuming podcasts, you might appreciate a few recommendations.


Impostor syndrome

Impostor syndrome is common and often occurs at moments of transition.
