Make the Diagnosis

Make the Diagnosis

Make the Diagnosis - September 2017

A 30-year-old woman presented for a routine full body skin exam. Upon exam, was found to have a 4 cm x 1.7 cm smooth, yellow plaque on the left...

Make the Diagnosis

Make the Diagnosis - August 2017

A 67-year-old white female with no significant past medical history presented as a first-time patient to clinic for a full skin check. An...

Make the Diagnosis

Make the Diagnosis - July 2017

A 57-year-old homeless white female with history of untreated malignant melanoma presented with a one-week history of an itchy, painful rash on...

Make the Diagnosis

Make the Diagnosis - May 2017

A 47-year-old Hispanic male presented with a 2-year history of severely pruritic papules on the elbows, knees, buttocks, and scalp. He reported no...

Make the Diagnosis

Make the Diagnosis - April 2017

A 35-year-old male with no significant past medical history presented with the chief complaint of occasional malodorous “crust in his underarms.”...

Make the Diagnosis

Make the Diagnosis - February 2017

A 34-year-old healthy male with no significant past medical history presented with a rapidly enlarging lesion on the face for 2-3 weeks. He...

Make the Diagnosis

Make the Diagnosis - January 2017

A 50-year-old Hispanic male presented with a 2-day history of blisters on his lips, extremities, and upper body. He complained of soreness on his...

Make the Diagnosis

Make the Diagnosis - November 2016

A 45 year old healthy male presented to the office with pruritic lesions on the leg for several weeks.
