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Hospitalization Trends for Drug-Use Associated IE

Ann Intern Med; ePub 2018 Dec 4; Schranz, et al

Drug-use associated infective endocarditis (DUA-IE) hospitalization and valve surgeries increased >12-fold, and nearly half of all IE valve surgeries were performed in patients with DUA-IE, a recent study found. The 10-year analysis of a statewide hospital discharge database included all patients aged ≥18 years hospitalized for IE from 2007 to 2017. Measurements included annual trends in all IE admissions and in IE hospitalizations with valve surgery, stratified by patients’ drug use status. Researchers found:

  • Of 22,825 IE hospitalizations, 2,602 (11%) were for DUA-IE.
  • Valve surgery was performed in 1,655 IE hospitalizations (7%), including 285 (17%) for DUA-IE.
  • Annual DUA-IE hospitalizations increased from 0.92 to 10.95 and DUA-IE hospitalizations with surgery from 0.10 to 1.38 per 100,000 persons.
  • In the final year of the analysis, 42% of IE valve surgeries were performed in patients with DUA-IE.


Schranz AJ, Fleischauer A, Chu VH, Wu L, Rosen DL. Trends in drug use–associated infective endocarditis and heart valve surgery, 2007 to 2017: A study of statewide discharge data. [Published online ahead of print December 4, 2018]. Ann Intern Med. doi:10.7326/M18-2124.