Clinical Edge

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Increased HCV Screening in Veteran Populations

Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf; ePub 2018 Sep 25; Wray, et al

Among urban and rural veteran populations in Texas, decision support improved hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening among birth cohort patients and significantly improved the rate of sustained virologic responses (SVR) achievement, a recent study found. Researchers sought to increase monthly HCV screening, diagnoses, and SVR among 88,652 unscreened birth cohort veterans in Texas. The interventions were enabled within 6 of the 8 healthcare systems (HCSs) that compose Veteran’s Integrated Service Network 17. The remaining 2 HCSs served as controls. The HCSs were separated into 2 groups: urban and rural. Among the findings:

  • Monthly screening increased 4.89 times and 2.97 times during the postinterventional period relative to control for urban and rural HCSs, respectively.
  • Increased screening boosted the monthly number of diagnoses in the urban HCSs, but not in the rural HCSs.
  • These interventions significantly improved the rate of SVR achievement relative to control.


Wray D, Coppin JD, Scott D, Jacob DA, Jinadatha C. Increased HCV screening yields discordant gains in diagnoses among urban and rural veteran populations in Texas: Results of a statewide quality improvement initiative. [Published online ahead of print September 25, 2018]. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. doi:10.1016/j.jcjq.2018.06.005.