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HIV Incidence & Undiagnosed HIV Infection in MSM

Ann Intern Med; ePub 2018 Mar 20; Singh, et al

Modeled HIV incidence decreased nearly 15% overall from 2008 to 2015, and among all transmission risk group except men who have sex with men (MSM), a recent study found. The cross-sectional analysis included persons aged ≥13 years with diagnosed HIV infection and estimated HIV incidence and prevalence as well as the percentage of undiagnosed HIV infections overall and among MSM. Researchers found:

  • HIV incidence decreased 14.8% overall, from 45,200 infections in 2008 to 38,500 in 2015, and among all transmission risk groups except MSM.
  • The incidence of HIV increased 3.1% per year among Hispanic/Latino MSM, decreased 2.7% per year among white MSM, and remained stable among black MSM.
  • The incidence decreased by 3.0% per year among MSM aged 13-24 years and by 4.7% per year among those aged 35-44 years.
  • Among MSM aged 25-34 years, HIV incidence increased 5.7% per year.
  • The percentage of undiagnosed HIV infections was higher among black, Hispanic/Latino, and younger MSM than white and older MSM, respectively.


Singh S, Song R, Johnson AS, McCray E, Hall HI. HIV incidence, HIV prevalence, and undiagnosed HIV infections in men who have sex with men, United States. [Published online ahead of print March 20, 2018]. Ann Intern Med. doi:10.7326/M17-2082.