Clinical Edge

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Combo drug improves survival in older patients with high-risk/secondary AML

Key clinical point: CPX-351 therapy was tied to long-term remission and survival in older patients with newly diagnosed high-risk or secondary AML.

Major finding: Remission (CR or CRi) was achieved by 48% of patients in the CPX-351 arm and 33% of patients in the 7+3 arm.

Study details: Five-year results of phase 3 comparison of CPX-351 vs. 7+3 regimen of cytarabine and daunorubicin in more than 300 older adult patients with newly diagnosed high-risk or secondary AML.

Disclosures: The study was funded by Jazz Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Lancet disclosed that he has a consulting or advisory role for Agios, Daiichi Sankyo, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and Pfizer.


Lancet JE et al. ASCO 2020, Abstract 7510.