Clinical Edge

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Reducing Time to VWD Diagnosis Improves Outcomes

Haemophilia; ePub 2017 Jun 21; Sidonio, et al

Reducing the time to von Willebrand disease (VWD) diagnosis would likely improve outcomes, according to a study involving more than 32,000 individuals. Investigators looked at how diagnosis and diagnostic delay impacted outcomes in participants with VWD, including those newly-diagnosed. Among the results:

  • Most bleeding symptoms were managed by a hospitalist/emergency room physician before diagnosis.
  • VWD misrecognition was common; one-fourth of patients visited the same kind of specialist at least twice for a bleeding episode pre-diagnosis.
  • 37% of patients had no diagnostic laboratory test within 24 months of their initial diagnosis.
  • 41% of women had bleed claims pre-diagnosis, compared with 21% post-diagnosis.
  • Pre- and post-diagnosis bleed claims in men were 26% and 9%, respectively.
  • Proportion of patients with multiple bleed claims also decreased before and after diagnosis.
  • Regularly misrecognized patients continued to have more bleeding episodes, though less frequently than before diagnosis.


Sidonio R, Haley K, Fallaize D. Impact of diagnosis of von Willebrand disease on patient outcomes: Analysis of medical insurance claims data. [Published online ahead of print June 21, 2017]. Haemophilia. doi:10.1111/hae.13292.