Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Banning Indoor Tanning Devices Could Save Lives and Money

Key clinical point: Banning indoor tanning could result in fewer deaths from skin cancer and cut health care costs.

Major finding: A Markov model estimated a ban on indoor tanning would result in 89,193 fewer deaths from melanoma (–6.9%) in the United States and Canada, 98,288 fewer deaths from melanoma (–4.4%) in Europe, and a collective cost savings of $5.7 billion.

Study details: An analysis of 110,932,523 individuals in the United States and Canada and 141,970,492 individuals in Europe aged 12-35 years, using data from epidemiologic studies, cost reports, and official cancer registries.

Disclosures: This study was funded by the World Health Organization UV Radiation Programme and Cancer Council Victoria. One author disclosed personal fees from Cancer Council Victoria, and one disclosed grants from TrygFonden.


Gordon L et al. JAMA Dermatol. 2020 Feb 19. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2020.0001.