The Optimized Doctor


Impostor syndrome

Impostor syndrome is common and often occurs at moments of transition.

The Optimized Doctor


It’s only recently, after having done it thousands of times, that I came to realize there is a better way to shake hands.

The Optimized Doctor

My choices for best books of 2017

These include a book written by a physician, with stories, supported by studies, that can help strengthen your mindfulness muscles in your...


Flu shots and persuasion

Employ the same techniques you use in persuading your patients to get flu shots to encourage other healthy behaviors.

The Optimized Doctor

How to give a talk

Preparation, brainstorming about content you want to cover, and choosing the right visuals are among the fundamentals to giving a good talk.

The Optimized Doctor

Reflecting on my first 10 years

In September, the scope of the Digital Doctor column will be expanding to include more than just a focus on digital medicine.

The Optimized Doctor

A note about OpenNotes

Dr. Benabio recounts an experience with the OpenNotes program.

The Optimized Doctor

Machine learning melanoma

Can melanoma be diagnosed from an app? A Stanford University team believes so.

The Optimized Doctor


How many calories are there in a cheeseburger? (Yes, I too am looking forward to a svelter 2017). The answer, according to my new assistant, is...

The Optimized Doctor

Digital Doctor

There were many books I read in 2016 that I found relevant and helpful for the practice of medicine as modern physicians. Here were some of my...
