Clinical Edge Journal Scan

Erenumab, an effective option for treatment-resistant chronic migraine


Key clinical point: Erenumab was effective and generally well tolerated over the 3 months of follow-up in a real-world population of patients with difficult-to-treat chronic migraine.

Major finding: At 3 months follow-up, the median total and severe monthly migraine days reduced significantly from 28 to 20 and from 15 to 5, respectively (both P < .0001), with 39.8%, 22.3%, and 7.8% of patients achieving at least 30%, 50%, and 75% reductions in mean monthly headache days, respectively. Overall, 43% of patients reported ≥1 adverse event, with constipation being the most common adverse event.

Study details: The data come from a prospective clinical audit of a treatment-resistant population of 103 patients with chronic migraine, high prevalence of medication overuse, and high headache burden who received 140 mg erenumab monthly for 3 months.

Disclosures: This study did not receive any funding. Some authors declared serving on advisory boards or as principal investigators for clinical trials or receiving speaker honoraria, conference sponsorship, or grants from various sources.

Source: Lowe M et al. Efficacy of erenumab and factors predicting response after 3 months in treatment resistant chronic migraine: A clinical service evaluation. J Headache Pain. 2022;23:86 (Jul 22). Doi: 10.1186/s10194-022-01456-2

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