Clinical Edge Journal Scan

Insights on symptoms and burden of migraine


Key clinical point: The occurrence of unclear days, defined as headache-free but not crystal-clear days, is prevalent in migraine, with the number of crystal-clear days being significantly lower and unclear days being significantly higher in participants with migraine vs non-migraine headache.

Major finding: Overall, 97.1% of participants had unclear days, with the number of crystal-clear days per 30 days being significantly lower (median, 20.0 vs 25.0) and the number of severe headache days (2.0 vs 1.0), days with acute medications (2.0 vs 1.0), and unclear days (4.0 vs 1.0) per 30 days being significantly higher in participants with vs without migraine headache (all P < .001).

Study details: The data come from a cross-sectional and case-control analysis of longitudinally collected data from 170 and 1768 participants with migraine and nonmigraine headaches, respectively.

Disclosures: This study was funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea. S-J Cho and MK Chu declared being site investigators of a multicenter trial or an advisory board members or receiving lecture honoraria or grants from various sources.

Source: Lee W et al. Crystal-clear days and unclear days in migraine: A population-based study. Headache. 2022;62: 818- 827 (Jul 14). Doi: 10.1111/head.14359

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