From the Journals

MRI finds PML in some natalizumab-treated patients despite negative CSF, no symptoms

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MRI not yet ready for bigger role in PML detection

Dr. Wijburg and colleagues raise an important point in our understanding of the development of PML by showing that small brain lesions may be present at what may be the start of JCV infection when the virus is still undetectable in CSF. However, it is not yet clear how well the relationship between viral load in CSF and MRI brain lesions approximates the stages of the disease and the processes with which it affects its target brain cells.

In some cases in which CSF testing is negative, repeat testing may be worthwhile because some patients have been known to test positive only weeks after testing negative.

Suspicion for PML may be increased when MRI shows signs of PML despite negative CSF testing, but it is to early to rely on MRI alone for diagnosis.

Eugene O. Major, PhD, is with the division of neuroimmunology and neurovirology at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, Md. He reported serving on the Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Consortium Science advisory board and has received consulting fees while serving on independent adjudication committees for Takeda/Millennium, Roche/Genentech, and GlaxoSmithKline. He also has patent rights at the National Institutes of Health as coinventor of the Ultrasensitive Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Multiplex assay for the detection of JC virus DNA–distinguishing viral variants. His comments are derived from an editorial accompanying Dr. Wijburg and colleagues’ report (JAMA Neurol. 2018 Mar 12. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.0004).



In the study of 56 patients (37 women), 9 patients (16.1%) had undetectable JCV DNA in CSF and 14 (25%) were asymptomatic for PML. At the time of PML diagnosis, the median age was 45 years, and the median natalizumab treatment duration was 43 months. Results showed that patients with a positive PCR had larger total PML lesion volumes than did those with undetectable JCV DNA (median volume, 22.9 mL vs. 6.7 mL; P = .008). Logistic regression showed that a lower PML lesion volume significantly increased the probability for undetectable JCV DNA.

The research team also observed a positive correlation between PML lesion volume and JCV copy numbers (Spearman’s rho, 0.32; P = .03). PML lesion volume was also higher in patients with PML symptoms and in patients with more widespread lesion dissemination. But no association was found between PCR results and PML lesion dissemination, signs of inflammation, or PML symptoms.

The findings appear to show that patients with a smaller PML lesion volume were more likely to have a negative test result for JCV, which may lead to a delayed diagnosis of PML. Patients with smaller lesion volume were also more likely to be asymptomatic, which may further delay a diagnosis.

“This can result in a therapeutic dilemma. Unjustly excluding PML may have serious consequences (e.g., when switching from [natalizumab] to even more potent immunosuppressive treatments, such as alemtuzumab),” they wrote.


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