Conference Coverage

MS drugs in Medicare Part D: Higher tiers, less coverage, more prior authorizations



Based on 2016 coverage characteristics, Dr. Hartung and his associates estimated that the expected annual out-of-pocket costs for patients in 2019 would be over $5,000 for all drugs in the analysis, after accounting for the Bipartisan Budget Act’s closing the Part D coverage gap in 2019.

Part D covers noninfusible DMTs, which in this analysis included glatiramer acetate 20 and 40 mg (Copaxone 20 and Copaxone 40), generic glatiramer acetate 20 mg (Glatopa), interferon beta-1a intramuscular (Avonex), interferon beta-1a subcutaneous (Rebif), interferon beta-1b (Extavia and Betaseron), peginterferon beta-1a (Plegridy), fingolimod (Gilenya), teriflunomide (Aubagio), and dimethyl fumarate (Tecfidera). The infusible drugs natalizumab (Tysabri), alemtuzumab (Lemtrada), and ocrelizumab (Ocrevus) fall under Medicare Part B.

The study was supported by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. None of the authors had anything to disclose.

SOURCE: Hartung D et al. AAN 2018. Abstract P3.161


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