Conference Coverage

Edasalonexent may slow progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy



In addition, the researchers observed an early signal of possible cardiac benefit. Mean heart rate at baseline was 99 bpm. On treatment, it decreased to 92 bpm. “Boys with DMD die typically of cardiomyopathy, so it is important to try to address the cardiac status,” he said.

The drug was safe and well tolerated. Most participants experienced mild gastrointestinal issues, which typically were transient. One serious adverse event during the trial occurred in a patient receiving placebo. Patients tended to have a stable body mass index during treatment, Dr. Finkel said.

During the open-label extension, patients had “clinically meaningful slowing of disease progression on edasalonexent,” relative to the off-treatment period, Dr. Finkel said. Investigators plan to further study edasalonexent for the treatment of DMD in a phase 3 trial. The phase 3 study, PolarisDMD, recently completed enrollment at 40 sites. Results could be available in about a year, Dr. Finkel said.

The study was sponsored by Catabasis. Dr. Finkel disclosed consulting work and grants or research support from Catabasis and other companies.

SOURCE: Finkel R et al. CNS 2019. Abstract PL1-3.


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