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Most adult epilepsy-related deaths could be avoided



Can’t plug in

Patients with a first seizure are typically referred quickly to an appropriate service, but Dr. Mbizvo is concerned about those with chronic, stable epilepsy. “These people may at some point decompensate, and there’s no channel to plug them back into neurology services to make it easy for them to access a neurologist,” he said.

Currently, experts tell discharged patients to call if a problem occurs, but the system “is rather ad hoc,” said Dr. Mbizvo.

Because of the COVID-19 crisis, the use of telemedicine is increasing. This is helping to improve the system. “We may be able to build a virtual community for people who are on antiepileptic drugs and who suddenly begin to experience seizures again, to enable them to quickly get help, alongside a defined pathway to an epilepsy specialist,” said Dr. Mbizvo.

He hopes to develop a risk index for epilepsy patients similar to one used in cardiology that assesses risks such as smoking, high cholesterol level, and obesity. Although such a risk score might be similar to the SUDEP risk indices being developed, it will take into account death from any epilepsy-related cause, said Dr. Mbizvo. “Having not yet completed the analysis, I’m not sure which aspects will confer the greatest risk,” he said.

He added that, anecdotally, he has noticed a slight trend toward high mortality among patients with epilepsy who present multiple times at emergency departments in a year.

If this trend is statistically valid, “it could help create a traffic light flagging system on A&Es [accident and emergency departments] in which individuals with epilepsy who, for example, have two or more attendances to A&E in a year become flagged as high risk of death and are plugged into a rapid access epilepsy specialist clinic,” he said.

For their part, neurologists should recognize drug-resistant epilepsy early and refer such patients for assessment for resective surgery. If successful, such surgery reduces the risk for premature mortality, said Dr. Mbizvo.

Patients should not become discouraged by drug resistance, either. Research shows that, with careful reassessment of epilepsy type and drug changes, some patients whose condition is thought to be intractable could experience significant improvement in seizure frequency or seizures could be stopped.

“We need to talk to our patients more about the importance of adherence and encourage them to be honest with us if they don’t like the drugs we’re giving them and, as a result, are not taking them as recommended,” Dr. Mbizvo said.

Physicians also need to screen for mood disorders, especially suicidal ideation. Increasingly, specialists are recognizing mental health as an important area of epilepsy care.

They should also conduct a “safety briefing” perhaps twice a year in which they discuss, for example, SUDEP risk, driving concerns, showering instead of bathing, ensuring that a life guard is present at a swimming pool, and other measures.

Commenting on the study, Josemir W. (Ley) Sander, MD, PhD, professor of neurology and clinical epilepsy at University College London, said he welcomes any effort that highlights the problem of premature death among people with epilepsy and that offers possible ways to mitigate it.

Although the study “shows that premature death among people with epilepsy is a major issue,” many health care providers are not fully aware of the extent of this problem, said Dr. Sander. “For many, epilepsy is just a benign condition in which people have seizures,” he said. A risk score that could identify those at high risk for death and establishing preventive measures “would go a long way to decrease the burden of epilepsy,” he noted.

The study was supported by Epilepsy Research UK and the Juliet Bergqvist Memorial Fund. Dr. Mbizvo and Dr. Sander have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

A version of this article originally appeared on


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