Conference Coverage

Updated MS guidelines advocate earlier, more aggressive treatment


From ECTRIMS 2021

Emphasis toward higher-efficacy drugs

  • Consider choosing a higher-efficacy disease-modifying drug early on, according to disease activity (either clinically or on MRI).
  • Offer a more efficacious drug to patients who show evidence of disease activity with their current treatment.
  • When treatment with a high-efficacy drug is stopped, whether because of inefficacy or risk of adverse effects, consider starting another high-efficacy drug, taking into account clinical and MRI disease activity before and during treatment, pharmacokinetics and biological activity of the previous drug, and the potential for resumed disease activity or even rebound syndrome (particularly with natalizumab and S1P modulators).
  • In the stable patient (clinically and on MRI) who shows no safety or tolerability issues, consider continuing treatment with disease-modifying therapy, taking into account patient characteristics and comorbidities, drug safety profile, family planning, and patient preferences.

Recommendations for pregnancy and breastfeeding

Recommendations for pregnant women and mothers who choose to breastfeed include:

  • Advise women who wish to become pregnant to plan their pregnancy beforehand.
  • Advise women of childbearing potential that MS disease-modifying therapies are not licensed during pregnancy, with the exception of interferons and glatiramer acetate.
  • For women planning a pregnancy, offer interferons and glatiramer acetate and consider continuing these agents during pregnancy after assessment of risk and benefits. Consider using dimethyl fumarate until pregnancy is confirmed and stopping during pregnancy after assessment of the risks and benefits.
  • For women with highly active disease who wish to become pregnant, there are a number of therapeutic options:

1) treatment with long lasting effects such as alemtuzumab or cladribine provided that at least 4 or 6 months respectively have elapsed between the last dose and conception2) treatment with anti-CD20 drugs before pregnancy with advice to wait for 2-6 months after the last infusion before becoming pregnant and to avoid further infusions during pregnancy, or3) for patients treated with natalizumab, consider continuing treatment during pregnancy using a 6-week extended dosage regimen until the end of the second trimester or up until week 34 and resuming after delivery (in newborns exposed to natalizumab, check for hematological abnormalities and liver function)

  • Only interferons and ofatumumab are currently approved during breastfeeding.

Treatment safety/monitoring

  • When treating patients with natalizumab and after a period of stability, consider switching to a 6-week interval regimen in order to minimize the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML).
  • Consider treatment with high-efficacy drugs including natalizumab in patients with high disease activity, in whom a quick therapeutic effect is required, taking into account the risk of PML in John Cunningham virus (JCV)-positive patients, as well as the therapeutic lag of the different disease-modifying drugs.
  • Ideally, prioritize vaccination against COVID-19 before starting immunosuppressive disease-modifying treatments to achieve the highest protection rate possible.

Long-lasting treatments

  • When using long-lasting treatments (alemtuzumab or cladribine) in patients who experience disease activity before the treatment is completed (between the first and second cycles), consider waiting until completion of the therapeutic regimen before switching to other drugs.
  • Consider offering additional courses of alemtuzumab after the first two cycles at least 1 year apart from each other when disease activity has not remitted completely or reappears after a period of stability, taking into account the balance between the potential benefits and side effects.

A version of this article first appeared on


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