What does it all mean?
As for the study’s significance, Mr. Wong said a full workup should be performed before diagnosis, “and a neurologist should never prescribe disease-modifying therapies prior to a confirmation of diagnosis.”
Indeed, some disease-modifying therapies for MS are inappropriate for patients with NMO, Dr. Levy said. “The older medications, including beta-interferons, are among the most harmful to NMO patients. But they are not commonly used as first line for MS as they used to be. In contrast, B cell–depleting medications like ocrelizumab may be helpful in NMO.”
In regards to diagnosis, Dr. Levy noted that the NMO aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody test is “extremely specific and reliable.”
“A positive test result in the context of a clinical presentation of central nervous system inflammation allows for the diagnosis of NMO,” he said. “A negative test result is more complicated and may require some expertise to sort out after a careful review of the history, neurological exam, MRI features, central nervous system testing and other blood test results.”
The study was funded by the Sumaira Foundation. The authors did not provide information about relevant disclosures. Dr. Levy reports personal compensation for advisory board activities from Roche, Genentech, Chugai, Horizon, Alexion and Mitsubishi and grant support from Genentech, Horizon, Alexion, Sanofi, and UCB.