
SGR Deadline on the Horizon: The Policy & Practice Podcast


The deadline is fast approaching and Congress has yet to agree on a way to avoid the pending 27% pay cut to doctors. With a congressional recess starting on Feb. 20, Senate majority leader Harry Reid said he plans to submit a bill to force a resolution to the oft punted issue.

Courtesy C-SPAN In response to protest, President Obama announced a compromise on the contraception mandate.

Also, the Obama administration announced a compromise on its rule requiring religious employers to cover contraceptive services in their essential health benefits package. Now, religious employers don’t have to provide coverage but the health plans do. Opponents say the compromise is not enough.

For more on that and to hear about new Supreme Court filings against the Affordable Care Act, check out this week’s Policy & Practice Podcast.

Check back next week for an update on the possible Medicare pay cut and what the President’s budget means for you.

--- Frances Correa (FMCReporting)

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