Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

First report of MM patient successfully treated for COVID-19 with tocilizumab

Key clinical point: Despite atypical COVID-19 symptoms, the patient was successfully treated to discharge.

Major finding: After tocilizumab administration, the IL-6 level decreased gradually over 10 days (from 121.6 to 20.8 pg/mL), then increased rapidly to a peak (317.4 pg/mL), and then decreased to a low level (117.1) pg/mL.

Study details: A case report of a 60-year-old man working in Wuhan, China, who developed chest tightness without fever and cough on Feb. 1, 2020, and was diagnosed with COVID-19.

Disclosures: The authors declared that they had no conflicts.


Zhang X et al. Blood Adv. 2020;4(7):1307-10.