Clinical Edge

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Fatigue Index for MS Is Easy to Administer

Int J MS Care; 2017 Sep/Oct; Aldughmi, et al

The Neurological Fatigue Index for people with multiple sclerosis (NFI-MS) and the performance fatigability measures evaluated in a recent study are easy to administer, according to researchers. Therefore, they encourage wider use of these measures in clinical and research settings for comprehensive assessment of MS-related fatigue. 52 participants (mean ± SD age, 46.8 ± 10.1 years) completed the study. 3 measures of performance fatigability were used: percent change in meters walked from first to last minute of the 6-Minute Walk Test, percent change in force exerted from first to last trial on a repetitive maximal hand grip test, and response speed variability on the Continuous Performance Test. Perceived physical and cognitive fatigue were measured using the NFI-MS. The state level of fatigue was examined immediately before and after performing the fatigability measures using a 1-item visual analog fatigue scale. They found:

  • Of the 3 performance fatigability measures, only the attentional task (response speed variability) was significantly associated with NFI-MS physical and cognitive domain scores.
  • Participants demonstrated significantly higher state levels of fatigue after performing all performance fatigability measures.


Aldughmi M, Bruce J, Siengsukon CF. Relationship between fatigability and perceived fatigue measured using the Neurological Fatigue Index in people with multiple sclerosis. Int J MS Care. 2017;19(5): 232-239. doi:10.7224/1537-2073.2016-059.