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More evidence metformin may be neuroprotective
Adults who stopped metformin early were 21% more likely to be diagnosed with dementia during follow-up.
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84-year-old MD contests employer’s mandatory cognitive tests for older docs
According to the lawsuit, the hospital illegally required neuropsychological and eye examinations of physicians aged 70 or older who sought to...
Literature Review
Childhood trauma linked to adult headache
“Clinicians who treat primary headaches in adults “should routinely screen for ACEs, educate patients on the connection between ACEs and health,...
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Higher triglycerides linked to lower dementia risk
“Triglyceride levels may serve as a useful predictor for dementia risk and cognitive decline in older populations.”
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Urgent need to improve early detection of mild cognitive impairment in primary care
More than 99% of clinicians and practices underdiagnosed MCI; clinicians practicing geriatric medicine had higher detection rates than others.
Conference Coverage
No benefit of colchicine after stroke, TIA: CHANCE-3
“We require randomized trials with longer follow-up prior to abandoning this potential treatment.”
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Is it time to scrap ultraprocessed foods?
For every 10% increase in UPF consumption, the odds of developing any kind of dementia increased by 25% in one study.
FDA okays drug for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
The approval of vamorolone “provides people living with Duchenne, and their families, a powerful tool to treat the disease, while limiting some...
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Neurologic nuggets of wisdom for pediatric practice
Overall, actual seizures are less common than other neurologic events in children.
Hitting a Nerve
Thinking about masks
While nothing is 100% successful, masks put a respiratory filter of sorts between us and the world (and vice versa).
Conference Coverage
Promising new therapies for managing Tourette syndrome
One new device is “really exciting...It’s not invasive and is quite simple to use and could help a lot of people with Tourette syndrome.”