Neuromuscular Disorders
From the Journals
Dermatomyositis without dermatitis correlates with autoantibodies
In a cohort of patients with dermatomyositis, 8% did not have a rash at the time of muscle biopsy.
First case of COVID-19 presenting as Guillain-Barré reported
A case report from China suggests a possible association between GBS and SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Conference Coverage
Expert says progress in gut-brain research requires an open mind
“What happens in [the] vagus doesn’t just stay in vagus, but will actually affect our emotions in different ways,” Dr. Cryan said.
Literature Review
As costs for neurologic drugs rise, adherence to therapy drops
In patients with Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and neuropathy, higher out-of-pocket drug prices were associated with lower adherence for common...
News from the FDA/CDC
FDA approves Vyondys 53 for Duchenne muscular dystrophy subtype
The agency also authorized the first newborn screening test for DMD.
Literature Review
Benefits of focused ultrasound thalamotomy for essential tremor persist for 3 years
Patients who undergo the procedure appear not to have progressive or delayed complications during long-term follow-up.
Conference Coverage
AVXS-101 may result in long-term motor improvements in SMA
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Data indicate continuous expression of the SMN protein among treated patients.
Conference Coverage
POTS heterogeneity requires individualized treatment
AUSTIN, TEX. – Despite an increasing awareness of its prevalence, POTS often still goes unrecognized and requires a therapeutic approach that...
Conference Coverage
Don’t miss neuromuscular complications of cancer immunotherapy
AUSTIN, TEX. – “Timing of onset is a critical component to assist in identifying immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated versus non-immune...
Conference Coverage
Ataluren shows real-world benefit for nonsense mutation Duchenne muscular dystrophy
AUSTIN, TEX. – Side effects in children taking ataluren were primarily gastrointestinal upset, headache, and...
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AChR autoantibody subtype testing may improve accuracy of myasthenia gravis evaluations
AUSTIN, TEX. – Testing for binding antibodies and for modulating antibodies may be more accurate than testing for either subtype alone.